About Jean Juchnowicz

Jean is the founder and owner of Human Resources Simplified and Career Advice Simplified.  She earned an MBA and is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, business author, career coach, certified resume writer, and personal branding expert. She has other certifications also.

Re-Entry Initiative Letter of Gratitude

By |January 20th, 2018|Press|

Recently, after my work with Project 180 I received this very kind letter from the Re-Entry Initiative at the DeSoto correctional facility. Re-Entry Initiative Letter of Gratitude says: Dear Ms. Juchnowicz and Mr. Ratner, I pray this finds the two of you well. We from the Re-Entry Initiative here at DeSoto wanted to thank you and your [...]

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December Interview: Dr. Steven Groves on… Pets and Holiday Decorations – Preparations and Precautions!

By |December 22nd, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

In our December interview, doctor of veterinary medicine, Steven Groves, talks about Pets and Holiday Decorations – Preparations and Precautions! Q: When the December holidays roll around, we are reminded about how to keep pets safe and the decorations secure. Would you say that a Christmas tree or candles are more of a safety hazard for [...]

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Helping Inmates Find Jobs and Adapt

By |November 17th, 2017|Press|

Helping Inmates Find Jobs and Adapt originally appeared in Herald-Tribune's Business Buzz. Helping inmates find jobs and adapt Project 180 finds new and creative ways of helping inmates find jobs and adapt. They recently presented the CEO Program to inmates at the DeSoto Annex, in Arcadia, who are about to re-enter the workforce and try [...]

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96.5 WSLR Project 180 Interview

By |November 10th, 2017|Press|

Recently Jean Juchnowicz of Career Advice Simplified gave a 96.5 WSLR Project 180 Interview to Sarasota and the surrounding areas. 96.5 WSLR is Sarasota's community-run radio station located in the heart of the Rosemary District. The station first began in 2000. The mission statement explains more about the goals of the station, "WSLR features locally [...]

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Project 180 Volunteers visit Desoto Annex Correctional Institution with their CEO Program

By |October 28th, 2017|Press Releases|

Sarasota, FL- Project 180 Volunteers visit Desoto Annex Correctional Institution with their CEO Program. On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, Project 180 presented its future-focused original CEO Program to Desoto Annex prison inmates who are about to re-enter the workforce and adapt to life on the outside. This program is a unique workforce education program which [...]

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October Interview: Erin Wozniak on … A Brief History of Recruiting in the Digital Age

By |October 20th, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

In October's interview, Erin Wozniak discusses a brief history of recruiting in the digital age. Q: The Internet has changed everything, and one thing it changed is how employers advertise job openings. Briefly, describe your role in your company before the Internet became the driving force for recruitment advertisement. A: I started my career in [...]

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Career Services Company Donates Career Coaching Book to the Sarasota County Library

By |October 13th, 2017|Press Releases|

Sarasota, FL: Career Services Company Donates Career Coaching Book to the Sarasota County Library. Local Career Coach and Career Advice Simplified owner Jean Juchnowicz has donated the book “Find Your Fit” to the Sarasota County Library System. Jean is a collaborative author of, "Find Your Fit," a new book from the Association for Talent Development, [...]

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How to Land or Create a Job You’ll Love

By |October 13th, 2017|Career Advice|

Are you trying to navigate your personal hunting expedition for a new job or a new career and wondering How to Land or Create a Job You’ll Love? The world of opportunities is out there, but the work environment, the global economy, and the who, what, where, when, and how do this hunt are rapidly [...]

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September Interview: Carolyn B. Thompson on… Helping Staff Learn Specific Tasks of their Job, Quickly and with Accuracy

By |September 29th, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

September's Article with Carolyn B. Thompson focuses on... Helping Staff Learn Specific Tasks of their Job, Quickly and with Accuracy. Q: When you say skills or specific tasks, what do you mean? A: Tasks are the specific outcome of actions you take to complete a component of your job function (ex – move a 50 lb [...]

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Promotion or Retirement

By |September 23rd, 2017|Career Advice|

Dear Coach JJ: My boss is retiring.  I was offered the job, which is the department head role.  But I am torn because I know that I will retire in two years.  Do I want to assume this responsibility or stay where I am and ride it out until retirement?  Help!   -Promotion or Retirement Dear [...]

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