Recently, Jean was featured by the Herald Tribune in an article written by Lindsay Novak about Continuing Your Job Search. See what she had to say below:
Out of the blue, I was contacted by a corporate recruiter who said her large firm was looking to hire a handful of people in my field. She wanted to know if I knew of anyone interested. The recruiter sent me the job description, which sounded like a perfect fit for me, so I called and expressed my own interest in the position.
The next day, she interviewed me by phone and explained more about the job and the company. The interview went well and she arranged for me to speak the following day with the person who would be my supervisor. That conversation also went well. The supervisor said he was impressed with my credentials and asked for references. I sent them the same day, thanked him for the interview and reiterated my interest in the job.
After a week of silence, I called for an update and was told the hiring process had taken longer than expected, but I was still a candidate. Still, no word on when or if I would hear back from the company. A similar situation happened a year ago. I was told I was the leading candidate for the job and was asked to meet with the owner, who just wanted to “check the box” of meeting me. I thought the interview went fine and I emailed her a thank-you note. She never responded, and I didn’t hear from the company again. In the future, is there anything I can do to avoid these situations, or are they just the sad reality of the modern job search?
A: Not hearing from a recruiter, either independent or employed at the company, could be for many reasons and should not be taken personally. According to Jean Juchnowicz, owner-operator of Human Resources Simplified in Sarasota, the wait time between interviewing and hiring is typical for a recruiter and the company hiring authorities. Several weeks of silence is not unusual, as everyone involved in the recruiting process is engaged in regular work duties, as well as qualifying, interviewing and attempting to hire.
The focus is first on finding interested applicants but then shifts to those who will move ahead in the process. Recruiters may have a couple of tiers of candidates waiting to see which ones the company is interested in pursuing. In addition to sending a thank you, an applicant can follow up in a week by email and ask if additional information is needed.
Then, a week later if there is still no contact, the applicant can call and ask if a decision has been or will be made. Despite the silence and the wait, don’t flood the recruiter’s inbox with emails; this shows desperation instead of a healthy and positive level of interest.
Recruiters work to fill many positions at various companies at once, and out of necessity and the scarcity of time may be onto to the next search. Remain positive when continuing your job search. Situations change and one never knows when chosen candidates may refuse, reopening the opportunity for employment at that company.
Career Advice Simplified is an experienced and full-service career services coaching company providing clients with strategic career planning, career coaching, résumé reviewing, résumé writing, cover letter creating, biography constructing, interview preparing, social media profiling, and personal branding. If you have the desire for a stepped-up career, we have solutions. Win the game of job hunting with our specialists. We provide resume and career services in Sarasota, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Venice and all along the Suncoast!

Jean is the founder and owner of Human Resources Simplified and Career Advice Simplified. She earned an MBA and is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, business author, career coach, certified resume writer, and personal branding expert. She has other certifications also.