About Jean Juchnowicz

Jean is the founder and owner of Human Resources Simplified and Career Advice Simplified.  She earned an MBA and is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, business author, career coach, certified resume writer, and personal branding expert. She has other certifications also.

March Article: Jean Juchnowicz on… “Building Trust when You are the Boss in a Small Business”

By |March 1st, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

In our March Interview, Jean Juchnowicz, owner of Career Advice Simplified shares insight into Building Trust when You are the Boss in a Small Business. Q: Why should the owner or managers in small businesses focus on building trust with their employees? A: Building trust is important. A small business is focused on increasing revenue, controlling [...]

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February Interview: June Braithwaite on… “Two Revolutionary Strategies to Create your Ultimate Retirement Plan”

By |February 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|

February Interview: June Braithwaite on… “Two Revolutionary Strategies to Create your Ultimate Retirement Plan” Q: Why should a small business create a retirement benefit plan for their employees? A: A small business may not always have the resources available to create your ultimate retirement plan like a 401(k) for their employees. Therefore, a plan with a flexible contribution [...]

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January Interview: Brent Myers on… 2017 Tax Information to Know

By |January 2nd, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

January Interview: Brent Myers on…2017 Tax Information to Know.  Q: What’s new with receiving a 2017 tax refund? A:  2017 Tax Information to Know: Generally, your federal tax refund can be expected approximately 21 days after your tax return has been accepted. However, some federal income tax refunds may be temporarily delayed, particularly those taxpayers claiming the [...]

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Recruiting for Millennials in Construction: What You Need to Know

By |January 1st, 2017|Press|

originally published on the Project Uptime section of the United Rentals Website Recruiting for Millennials in Construction: What You Need to Know! Hiring millennials is key to combating job shortages. But don’t expect them to come to you. Instead, reach out to them where they live.  Buildings are going up despite the shortage of skilled labor [...]

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Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers

By |November 2nd, 2016|Press|

originally published on the association for talent development website. Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers! Last week, we held a webcast with three of the contributors from Find Your Fit, which was published on October 20. We had many questions from the participants—and couldn’t get to all of them within our timeframe. So, we’ve included responses [...]

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How to Land or Create a Job You’ll Love

By |October 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|

How to Land or Create a Job You’ll Love. Are you trying to navigate your personal hunting expedition for a new job or a new career? The world of opportunities is out there, but the work environment, the global economy, and the who, what, where, when, and how to do this hunt are rapidly changing. [...]

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How to Respond to Tragedy in Your Workplace

By |October 23rd, 2013|Press|

originally published on the findtherightjobs website. How to Respond to Tragedy in Your Workplace. When the worst happens, human resources managers are in a unique and important position, providing leadership to help employees heal emotionally and mentally. A tragedy in your workplace, such as the recent Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C., the Newtown, Conn., [...]

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