Conducting a job search takes time and requires efforts. You have been applying for jobs and following up. Now you get some good news: You have been contacted for a phone interview or an onsite interview. You now have a limited amount of time to learn about this employer. You need to learn how to research a company before the interview.
Let’s discuss How to Research a Company Before the Interview. The initial step is to visit the company website. Look for the mission statement, the history, the clients, the products and/or services, and press releases; take notes. Next, browse the company’s social media. Read the posts, the images, the news, etc. Look the company up on LinkedIn and see if you are connected with or personally know any of the employees. Check to see if the company has a Facebook page. Take a glance at that. Run a Google search and read the hits that come up. Go to Google News and see if that site has any information about the company. Is there a listing on the Better Business Bureau site? Can you search the Bloomberg Business Week site? Glassdoor’s interview questions and reviews section can be very helpful. If you can, drive by the physical location where the opening is located.
Research the person that will be interviewing you. See if there is anything that you both have in common.
You now have acquired information that will benefit you during your interview. You have prepared for your interview. Review your notes. Tell the recruiter or interviewer that you have spent time learning about the business and make a comment that shows what you have learned.
Lastly, know that the interview process begins the moment you step through the company’s doors. Everyone you smile at, who greets you, and meets you, will form an opinion about you. Be your best self.
Career Advice Simplified is an experienced and full-service career services coaching company providing clients with strategic career planning, career coaching, résumé reviewing, résumé writing, cover letter creating, biography constructing, interview preparing, social media profiling, and personal branding. If you have the desire for a stepped up career, we have solutions. Win the game of job hunting with our specialists. We provide resume and career services in Sarasota, Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Venice and all along the Suncoast!

Jean is the founder and owner of Human Resources Simplified and Career Advice Simplified. She earned an MBA and is a certified senior-level human resources executive/consultant, adjunct professor, management trainer, professional speaker, business author, career coach, certified resume writer, and personal branding expert. She has other certifications also.