Re-Entry Initiative Letter of Gratitude

    By |January 20th, 2018|Press|

    Recently, after my work with Project 180 I received this very kind letter from the Re-Entry Initiative at the DeSoto correctional facility. Re-Entry Initiative Letter of Gratitude says: Dear Ms. Juchnowicz and Mr. Ratner, I pray this finds the two of you well. We from the Re-Entry Initiative here at DeSoto wanted to thank you and your [...]

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      Helping Inmates Find Jobs and Adapt

      By |November 17th, 2017|Press|

      Helping Inmates Find Jobs and Adapt originally appeared in Herald-Tribune's Business Buzz. Helping inmates find jobs and adapt Project 180 finds new and creative ways of helping inmates find jobs and adapt. They recently presented the CEO Program to inmates at the DeSoto Annex, in Arcadia, who are about to re-enter the workforce and try [...]

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        96.5 WSLR Project 180 Interview

        By |November 10th, 2017|Press|

        Recently Jean Juchnowicz of Career Advice Simplified gave a 96.5 WSLR Project 180 Interview to Sarasota and the surrounding areas. 96.5 WSLR is Sarasota's community-run radio station located in the heart of the Rosemary District. The station first began in 2000. The mission statement explains more about the goals of the station, "WSLR features locally [...]

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          Continuing Your Job Search

          By |September 8th, 2017|Career Advice, Press|

          Recently, Jean was featured by the Herald Tribune in an article written by Lindsay Novak about Continuing Your Job Search. See what she had to say below: Out of the blue, I was contacted by a corporate recruiter who said her large firm was looking to hire a handful of people in my field. She [...]

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            Reconnecting With Your Inner Spirit

            By |May 24th, 2017|Press|

            Reconnecting with Your Inner Spirit was originally published in Today’s Florida Women Volume II Issue IX Working on reconnecting with your inner spirit? Set a goal of expanding your horizon with positive actions. Your goal is to do, give or help in your community. Yes, you do have the time and can make a difference. [...]

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              Recruiting for Millennials in Construction: What You Need to Know

              By |January 1st, 2017|Press|

              originally published on the Project Uptime section of the United Rentals Website Recruiting for Millennials in Construction: What You Need to Know! Hiring millennials is key to combating job shortages. But don’t expect them to come to you. Instead, reach out to them where they live.  Buildings are going up despite the shortage of skilled labor [...]

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                Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers

                By |November 2nd, 2016|Press|

                originally published on the association for talent development website. Resume Hacks for Experienced Workers! Last week, we held a webcast with three of the contributors from Find Your Fit, which was published on October 20. We had many questions from the participants—and couldn’t get to all of them within our timeframe. So, we’ve included responses [...]

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                  How to Respond to Tragedy in Your Workplace

                  By |October 23rd, 2013|Press|

                  originally published on the findtherightjobs website. How to Respond to Tragedy in Your Workplace. When the worst happens, human resources managers are in a unique and important position, providing leadership to help employees heal emotionally and mentally. A tragedy in your workplace, such as the recent Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C., the Newtown, Conn., [...]

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