Know the STAR Interview Method

By |March 24th, 2018|Career Advice|

Are you in the job market searching for a new job? Have you been contacted for an interview? Great! You need to know the S.T.A.R. Interview Method and behavioral interviewing which is a popular method of job interviewing. One method of behavioral interviewing is known as the S.T.A.R method; this is a technique used by [...]

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Networking Your Way to a New Job

By |March 17th, 2018|Career Advice|

Ah, the joys of job hunting. I have heard more than once that job hunting is a full-time job. This may not be exactly true but the point is that job hunting does take concerted efforts of time, actions, and luck. Assuming that your résumé is modern in format and up-to-date, what else can you [...]

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March Interview: Ben Soka on… Your Business Needs a Modern Website with a Fresh Design!

By |March 10th, 2018|Monthly Interviews|

In our March interview, Ben Soka of Zora Creative discusses why Your Business Needs a Modern Website with a Fresh Design! Q: If you are starting a new business, what role does creating a website play? A: A website is where all of the avenues of your marketing efforts lead to. If you have print materials [...]

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