Reconnecting With Your Inner Spirit

By |May 24th, 2017|Press|

Reconnecting with Your Inner Spirit was originally published in Today’s Florida Women Volume II Issue IX Working on reconnecting with your inner spirit? Set a goal of expanding your horizon with positive actions. Your goal is to do, give or help in your community. Yes, you do have the time and can make a difference. [...]

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May Interview: Barry Demp on… Mastering Networking: When Patterns are Broken, New Worlds Will Emerge!

By |May 5th, 2017|Monthly Interviews|

In the May Interview, Barry Demp discusses how Mastering Networking can be achieved when patterns are broken. Q: Networking, we are repeatedly told, is the best tool to finding a career job, or promoting your business, and staying relevant in your field. What is your definition of networking? A: Networking is a process that provides [...]

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